Bernard Irvin

Bernard Irvin

Massage Therapist

Registered Massage Therapist


Bernard Irvin

Bernard has been a practising registered massage therapist since 2000. A canoeing enthusiast, Bernard was a member of the Canadian National Flatwater Canoeing Team from 1984-90. He also worked as the Team's Massage Therapist from 2002-2016.  During these years, he enjoyed the privilege of traveling the world with the Canadian team providing treatment and support for athletes competing at the Junior & Senior World Championships, Pan-American Games and four Olympic Games. Prior to moving to the Annapolis Valley, Bernard and family lived in Prince Rupert, BC, Grand Bay East, NL and Kaseda City, Japan. Highlights of these sojourns include fishing and crab trapping from an ocean kayak; scuba diving, sumo wrestling, and running. Bernard enjoys hiking, snowshoeing, swimming and boxing.